Today started out the same way that yesterday did. Again we boiled eggs and made egg salad (no more peanut butter and jelly for us). Today, however, we went straight to Macy's afterwards to search for prom dresses--we can't afford to do any more sunbathing. Once inside, we promised ourselves not to get discouraged, though there are ten floors. It's the biggest store in the world. But we knew we could take it on.
We soon found the wooden escalators that Macy's is famous for (not really, but we thought we could make you believe that). At every floor we went to, we made a plan. We would circle around and meet back up at the dressing rooms to try on what we had found. Unfortunately for Cecilia, she didn't find anything she liked. She even broke down when we were in the bathing suit section because the selection was just so vast. She later tripped over the bottom of a rack and had the whole staff of Macy's coming to her rescue. Louisa, however, went on a tear through Macy's and Daffy's, which we went into next. She ended up buying two (TWO!) dresses today, which is quite an accomplishment for someone who is usually a very bad shopper. Two of the many dresses we tried on are pictured below. (Cecilia would have bought the green one but the zipper was broken.)

We exited the elevator at Daffy's and saw through the doors that it looked dark outside. Cecilia tried to convince Louisa that they were just tinted, but when they walked through it was clear that it was actually raining. The wind was very fierce and things were being blown all around. We were the only ones on the sidewalk who weren't running, holding things over their heads, or frantically trying to call a cab. We casually walked down the sidewalk to the subway, which we took WAY downtown to a gelateria.
This gelateria had a small but lovely array of flavors, and we chose pear, which was amazing. We then sat down to wait out the rain. The subway ride home we spent thinking about the Ramen with last night's leftover chicken that we were going to make for dinner, and it definitely lived up to the excpectations. It was the perfect meal for a rainy evening.
We soon found the wooden escalators that Macy's is famous for (not really, but we thought we could make you believe that). At every floor we went to, we made a plan. We would circle around and meet back up at the dressing rooms to try on what we had found. Unfortunately for Cecilia, she didn't find anything she liked. She even broke down when we were in the bathing suit section because the selection was just so vast. She later tripped over the bottom of a rack and had the whole staff of Macy's coming to her rescue. Louisa, however, went on a tear through Macy's and Daffy's, which we went into next. She ended up buying two (TWO!) dresses today, which is quite an accomplishment for someone who is usually a very bad shopper. Two of the many dresses we tried on are pictured below. (Cecilia would have bought the green one but the zipper was broken.)

We exited the elevator at Daffy's and saw through the doors that it looked dark outside. Cecilia tried to convince Louisa that they were just tinted, but when they walked through it was clear that it was actually raining. The wind was very fierce and things were being blown all around. We were the only ones on the sidewalk who weren't running, holding things over their heads, or frantically trying to call a cab. We casually walked down the sidewalk to the subway, which we took WAY downtown to a gelateria.
This gelateria had a small but lovely array of flavors, and we chose pear, which was amazing. We then sat down to wait out the rain. The subway ride home we spent thinking about the Ramen with last night's leftover chicken that we were going to make for dinner, and it definitely lived up to the excpectations. It was the perfect meal for a rainy evening.
Sorry that I am a bad photographer! The dress was floor length!
wow u gurlz r really hott
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